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Penny Webb

Penny Webb


Penny has over twenty-five years’ experience as a high-level leader, spokesperson, Board Director and communicator in both the private and non-profit sectors. Prior to her appointment as CEO at People Who Care she was the CEO at South Coastal Health and Community Services, and with Rise Network and Riverview leading teams supporting people in areas of health, mental health, domestic and family violence, youth and children overseas at risk of exploitation. 

Penny holds a Master in Business Administration and Master in Business Leadership.

Co-author of the book –She’s Not Your Competition and co-founder and volunteer at Kinwomen. She is passionate about improving the quality of life and reducing inequality for women.

Browse Leadership Team

Alain Twynham
Corporate and Service Support Manager
Chamo Piyasena
Manager, Disability Services
Hadja Sow
Manager, Aged Care Services
Melissa Scates
People and Culture Manager
Michelle Atkins
Clinical Lead
Monique Douglas
Manager Aged Care Services
Natalie Caruana
Quality, Safety and Risk Manager
Pablo Ospina
Manager, Aged Care Services
Regina Scrivener
Manager, Aged Care Services
Tracey Davenport
Chief Financial Officer

Browse Board Members

Alden Lee MBA BEng GradDipBus
Board Director
Andrew Allsop BSW BA
Board Director
Ben Trigger MBA GradCertIMS
Board Director
Brett Shields AdvDipOHS PGradDipBA BCom
Deputy Chairperson
David Payne CA
Emma Duarte MBA BSc (N)
Board Director
Paul Fettis MBA GradDipLeadership
Board Director
Stewart Masson MBA MPARA GAICD